Trial Format

For those not familiar with the Major's Trial format, here's a description :

Typically the trial takes place over 2 days, with 10 different sections each day. 

The teams entered are divided into multiple Groups – typically with around 4 teams / 12 drivers in each Group. These Groups are then allocated 10 of the 20 sections for the 1st day. On the 2nd day, the Groups swop over to compete on the remaining 10 sections.

Due to the quantity of teams entered, we normally have between 6 & 8 Groups of drivers – so 3 or 4 Groups in each wood. Each Group starts the day at a different section, usually separated from the other Groups by 1 or 2 trials sections so that 2 Groups shouldn’t normally overlap at any point during the day. 

Due to the quantity of drivers & Sections & distance from the Start area, lunch is always taken “on the hoof” to ensure finishing each day at a reasonable time. 

Each Group is led from Section to Section by a Group Leading Marshal, who’s in radio contact with Rally Control to ensure the organisers know where everyone is & to be able to call for any additional support if needed. Each Group will also have additional marshals, comprising of Team nominated marshals & Club volunteers. 

All of the marshals move around the Sections with the same Group rather than remain at any specific Section. Typically each Group’s marshals will “elect” 1 of their number as Score Marshal for the day, sometimes both days.

Team nominated marshals can be swopped over on the different days to allow 1 to passenger for a Team driver on 1 day & marshal the other day. Passengers are restricted to a single driver.

Results are collected after each day & overall results calculated and cross-checked as soon as the final Group returns.
Provisional overall results are then posted on site & made final after a short period to allow teams to identify any potential mistakes.